Happy New Year! We have some dates for your diary! Saturday 15th February: Baroque Dance…

The European Courtier
The Virtues of Dance
In every dance, of a most ancient custom, there danceth together a man and a woman, holding each other by the hand or the arm, which betokeneth concord. Now it behoveth the dancers and also the beholders of them to know all qualities incident to a man, and also all qualities to a woman likewise appertaining. (Sir Thomas Elyot 1531)
Discover the Royal Courts of Renaissance Europe through their music and dance. From Italy to England, Spain to Germany, each has their own unique character, brought alive by the Courtly Arts Performers with sumptuous costumes and period instruments.
Saturday 11thMay 2pm
Trinity Uniting Church, Black Street, Brighton
Sunday 19thMay 2pm
The MC Showroom, 48 Clifton Street, Prahran
Full: $20 Senior/Student $15