Happy New Year! We have some dates for your diary! Saturday 15th February: Baroque Dance…
All’s Fair in Love and War – our first performance is in a week!

(If you have already purchased tickets, thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon :) )
We hope that you will join us as we go back in time to visit the themes of love and war through the dance, music and song of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. We are ready to go! We’ll have a sword dance, a ‘re-enactment’ in dance of the ending of the Wars of the Roses, our young narrator Conor making his debut performance and two new baroque dancers on our team. You won’t want to miss it!
As always, all performers will be in historically styled court dress, with live music played on period instruments.
Tickets: $25 / $20 senior or student
2 performances:
Sunday 24th November 2024, 2pm
The Victory Room, Warrandyte Community Centre 168 – 178 Yarra Street, Warrandyte, Vic 3113
PLEASE NOTE: Bookings are essential for our Warrandyte Performance. All our previous concerts at this venue have booked out, so please book ASAP to avoid disappointment. We do currently have seats available.
Sunday 1st December 2024, 2pm
Trinity Uniting Church, 15 Black Street, Brighton, Vic 3186
We look forward to performing for you soon!